How to get new fonts on google docs
How to get new fonts on google docs

how to get new fonts on google docs

When you find a font that you like, click the little red plus button to add the font to a list that you can refer back to later. To add new fonts to your Google resources, you can go to the Google Fonts library and within the font catalog and sort the fonts by categories (handwriting fonts, sans serif fonts, etc.). This really helps to jazz up my digital resources! This curated list of fun fonts gets automatically embedded into the font list on that Doc/Slides. When I create new resources for my students in my Google Drive, I open up this fonts table and copy and paste it (Ctrl+C then Ctrl+V) into the new resource.

how to get new fonts on google docs

I made a table of my favorite Google Fonts to use so they are easily accessible for adding to my Google Docs and Slides projects. Enter Google Fonts– a font catalog of over 980 fonts designed by real font artists (like one of my favorites, Kimberly Geswein!) So long to the lame-o Comic Sans and the boring Times New Roman. Maybe it’s in my head because I myself am such a visual learner, but I feel like my students take activities and assignments more seriously when they are aesthetically-pleasing! I think the engagement factor for an activity can be instantaneous with a thoughtfully designed worksheet! As I have relied more and more on Google™ Docs and Google™ Slides to create resources for my students, I have loved upping the aesthetics with fabulous Google™ Fonts.

How to get new fonts on google docs